Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

erj.zi. is. v v c n t5 J. .H+. giueth that teflimony ofvoluptuous perlons, who make itewe tobe aliue,andaliue like,and ofall others feetne moil to inioy the benefite oflife: and that whichby occafion is fpoken ofone fexe,is true ofboth when he faith, She that Irueth in pleafure deadwhile the lineth,And what on the contrary fide bath bee to fay for that lightofGod,that quickning grace which is in the re- generate??huts Ilirre,yet not I now but Chrifl liueth intne,and in Gai.2.20. that Inow line inthefle/h,Iliue byfaith in the SonofGod,who bath lottedme,fandgiuen himfelfefor me. Firf1, finnewhere it bath dorninion,doth flay the foule,and `kaf bringeth it not onely into the fubie6ì ion , but allo thepoí%ífìou r. ofdeath,though the torment ofit be referred for the world to come,for whofoeuer Ihall be condemned before the iudgement featsof Chrifl,was condemnable and receiued fentFnce ofcon- demnationby the word ofGod , before his departure hence, andhere is the executionofthe fir(1 death, and there of the fe- cond : Thecurfe taketh hold andkilleth,fo foone as the tranf- greilion is committed,as was thecafe ofour firfl parents, whom God threatned that theyfhould die in theday that theyeats ofthe Gen.237: forbidden f rtsit : and fo theydid : for although the foule was not then taken away,nor depriued ofthe naturall facilities , yet was it fo deformed, and the naturall powers of it fo corrupted, as that they were bothdead perfons,til the Lordby the promife of Chrtß,the feedeof thewoman,reíiored them. Secondly,where God íheweth his loue , and befioweth his fpirir,there hequickneth their foules , and giueth them a part in the firfi rcfurre&ion : hee illuminateth their ntindes,heegouer- neth their wilfs,he fan&ifieth their affeClions, he direó}eth their deedes,he guideth their wordes, he frameth all the good moti- ons ofthe inward man, and the Chriflian conuerfation of the outwardman : fothat for their prefent helpe andcomfort , and their future hope and happineífe,he is all inall veto them. Inílru ion aboue, all thinges to feeke it, becaufe it is better then all things,and without which our breath` and very foules were not onely nothing worth,but accurfed,and miferable, and a thoufand times worfe thennothing. Y Con- 4 0