Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

1 1%v Confolation toeueryone that ha th:obtained it ,- whatfoeuer his eflate,and condition bec otherwife for hee may truely fay with that Prophet,Thy louing kindneffe is better then lift, that my lips maypraife thee,When the natural life is af11ié}ed,this is cheer- fill,and will reuiue it with comfort : when the naturali breath is indangered,this is fafe,andwill a.lfo be a.defence for that : when the naturali breath is departed,this Hill rernaineth and in time will attaine the reflitutionofthat againe. `Dori. f WhereGod worked) grace, he alto giueth knowledge and 2. vnderflanding. His fpirit is not pleafed to dwell in a darkehabitation, fach a roome isfit for Satan,the de.uill is the Prince of darkeneffe : but the Lorddoth euer kindle a light in the foulesofthofe whomhe doth inhabite,that they fhall fee his prefence,andknow his wil, andbe madeacquainted with his heauenly counfells. The cer- tainty hereofis groundedvpon his owneowne teflimony in the ál,n5,i. Pfalme,where he faith,Thefecret ofthe Lord isreueiled to them that (eare him :and it is his couenant togiue them vnderflanding.. and vpon his promife in the Prophet : Iwillput my law in their r.3T33 34 inwardparts,and write it in their hearts: and theylhall allknow me from thelefl ofthem to thegreatefl ofthem,faith theLord and vp- on the large accompli(hmentthereofin the new teflament, as as Saint Paule Witnefleth : The things whicheye bath not feene, 7orz91o. neither Bare bathheard,neither came intomans heart, are, which Codbathpreparedfor them that louehim. But Godhash reueiled them to vsby hisfpirit :for thefparitJearcheth all things, yea, the deepe thingsofCod. Firli,therebyhe declareth his loueand goodneffe , whichhee would haue eueryone ofhis to be affured of,that theymayhaue their reioycing in hun,and be the more thankefull to hím:which caufed the Apof}le to pray fo ardently for the Ephefans, that they maybeable to comprehendwith all Saints what is the bredth, 3.18.19. and length,anddepth,and height : and to know the loue of Chrifl, whichpafethknowledge , that theymight liefilledwith allftslnef ofGod. 2.. Secondly withoutthis noman can períor&.neanygood duty to God. 1/41.63 .3. ea!: