Verfi.28. PROVERBS. 163 God indue manner, fowell as our feruants can doe our moll difficult workes,in the darkefi nights, without any light : and therefore ifweat our charges allowe Candle to them that be- long tovs,for meere trifles incompanion of his waighty fer- vices,will not hemake his Sunne to fhine vpon thofe that la- bour for hisglory,fitheñce it is foeate for him to caufe it,with- out expenfes? Thirdly,the way whereinhee hath appointed his people to vealke towards eternal blefiedneffe, is fo intricate and hard to be found andkept,that no mancan poflibly attaine to it,or proceed in it,vnleffe his word be their lanthorne,and his fpiric their lea- der?See Ver íe.28 vffercy and truthpreferase theKing :forhis throne (hallbeeftablfhedwith mercy. MErcylpittyand compaffion towards fuck as are oppreffed, and mrldeneffe and lenity towards penitent offenders, and benignityand kindnes,lo faras opportunity ferueth toPhew the fame,towards all loyal! fubie&s:and truth, adminiliration of Iuflice,whereby euery one hathhis due : goodmen, incourage- ment : euill men,correaion : and all men the inioyment ofthole things whichare their own ,andby rightappertainevino them: pretense the King,procure the fafety ofperfon,flate,and honour, both ofKíngs,and all other great perfonages in authority :for his throne,his kingly dignity andpower,whereof the throne is a fhneand reprefentation , fhall bee eftablfhed , made the more fure;and continued the longer to hirnfelfeor his poflerity , by mercy , aflociated ith trueth and righteoufneffe : for as here he expreffeth that,and intendeth the other, fo elsewhere hee ex- preffeth the other,and that is intended,as Chap i6.v.i 2. It is an abominationfor Kings to committe wichedneffe: fvr the throne is efiabhlhedby iufice. The beli way for Princes to confirme and firengthen them- felues,is tobe good to their fiibie6fs. This did Dauidforethinke of,when he knew that he fhould Y z be