trat. IOI.I od.z9.Iq.. 2. .164 PROVERBS. ¿'%ßp.20, be King,before he poffeffed the fcepter ofthe Kir,gdome : and therefore loth couenant with God, and conclude NN'ith his owrie heart,that whenhe fhould fit vpon the throne,he would gouerne his people in filch vpri htneffe,ashe,and his mightßtte a long time vpon it : and, this profeffron he maketh hee eof I willfang mercy and iudgernent:veto thee O Lordwill Ifing. And there is another fentence of this booke, that confenteth »with this in fenfe direaly, andwith no great difference of «ordes, whichmanifèíllyconfirmeth thepoint in hand : e 4 ICin. that ittriget&thepoorein truth;hrs throne Ad be ejlabliJhedfor ewer. Firfi,God exalteth,anddcpreffeth,lie fettethvp,and pluckexh downe,he rnakethmen to (land fafl,or to Fall from their places, .according to his. owne will : and are not righteous rulers then Eure ofbetsprote5lion,who- do himbell feruice,andmolipleafe. him in their gouernsnent? Secondly,no might,or munition,noWarlike skill, or armes, or whatfòeuer elfe may.feeme defenfiue,are offuch force for the fafegard afany potentate,as are the hearty and feruent prayers ofthe faithfull: and: what upright and merciful( gouernour is not cuery wherecontin ually inuironedwith.them? Thirdly,the Lordout ofhis goodnes,in loue tohis people,wil vphold and defend a worthy rnïer,as he that is prouident for his flocke,will keepe and maintaine -a skilful! and faithfirll fheepe- heard. See other proofes,reafons.and the vfes, in the frxteenth Ghaptc-r.v. 12. Verte. ag Theglovy ofyoung-men is theirfiri-ength,cold theho. vowofthe aged is thegrayhead. hegloryofthevoung istheirftrength,1 It is anornament v-n_ to thetniand pralle for them to be flrong,valiant,and full of agilityandcourage,iftheyvfe there gifes wel,and exercife them profitably in their callings, and for the good of the common wealthwherein theyline : for otherwife,if they bee boitlerous, violeat,and giuen tofighting and quarrelling,efpccialiy, jitney m- holden themfeluestherewith,to robberies, or filch Íiie vil- q zanies,..