rerf.2$. PROVERBS. lanics , they are no more commendable in them, then is the ílrength ofgreat Beares, or other ;gilde beafls which are noyfome and hurtful' : Goliah, and Og, and the eAna- kims, andother Gyants were tall men ,yea huge and firong, and yet are neither praifc v orthy,nor praifcd: and the ho- nour ofthe aged is thegrayhead,thc white haires whichpub_ lifte their aul.ciency , and the multitude of yeares which theyhaue liued,doe bringcredite and reuerence vnto them, fo that they he garnifhed with grauity,wildome,and other vertues, as it is fared, Oldage is a crowneof Glory, when itis foundin theway o f righteoufnef e. Chap. a6.v. 3 I. OT Goddoth adorne menwith feuerall gifles according to the diuerutyoftheir conditions. Some are decked with judgement, and wifedome, forne are armed with fortitude and power, fonceexcel' in one grace, and force in another.I.hauewritten vnto you fathers, faithS. Iohn,becaufeyehaue knowne him that is from the be.. ginning. I haue written vntoyou youngmen , becaufeye are firong, and the word ofGod abrdeth.inyou,andye have over= some that wicked one.And asfeuerall ages haue their feuerall ornaments for them- that are Godly , fo haue feuerall flates:or at leafl the Lord doth qualifie his people with ver- tues and graccs,fuch as are fit for their prefent eflates : and therefore Saint lames incourageth the brother oflove degree to retoyce in that he is exalted:againc him that is rich , in that he is made lowe.That poore Chi iflians (hold comfort them- felues,in their foiritualloproinotion,and the wealthy in their gratious humiliation. Firfi ; thereby the Lord dooth fet forth the riches ofhis i oodneffe andpower,who bath inch choife of robes in his Wardroppe to cloath his children , and of icwcls to adorne thcm,that hecan decke fo many, yea all and euery one of tl cm,if needc were,with different forts. Sccondly,it is expedient for the common goodboth of Church and Cotnilion-wealth , for the promoting ofChri- f-lia:.ity, and the preferuation ofhumane fociety, that there Y 3 should DoE, I.IOirn.Z.I4: Jaait.L9.1e: -