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Tfal.z 8. Y. ® P ' f. ; S. C fhould bevarietyofgifts amongmen, and fome to excelin one kinde, and fome in another. It was commodious for Ifraelthat Datatd was puiffant , warlike , and vi&orious a- gainfl his enemies : that God had girded him with firength to battell.and taught his hands tofight : Ì° that he could breake aBowofTrapwithhis armes : And it was a great benefite to them that Salomon was wife, wealthy, and peaceable,and freed the land from warres and troubles. S.. Paulbeflowed well neare a whole Chapter in this Argument,to theCorin- thians,in declaring , acid proouing , and amplifying of the matter. To one(faith he)isgiuen the wordofwifedome,to an. other the wordes ofKnowledge,to another thegifts ofHealing, toanother diuerfaties of tongues : /dine are e,9posfles fmeare Prophets,(ime7eacI ers, fóme workers of miracles , fome hel- pers,fime Gouernours . Iníiru6ion that no manbe proude and high. minded,for ought that he bath inhimfelfe,more then his brethren,ney- ther yet repine,or be difcouraged at the gifts.ofhis brethren beyond his owne :for no man excelleth as chide. and prin- cipal in euery faculty,but he that taketh place before all is fome things,mufl be content to giue place , and comebe- hinde many inother things. Theeye is honoured with that neceffary and noble fenfe offeeing , and fo is theeare with that worthy and ncedfull fenfe of hearing , and the nofe is preferred before themboth, in that profitable and vfefull fenfe off elliug. And likewife is eachmember apparelled anddecked with f ich veilures and ornaments as are moil feemely for it,and proper vnto it the hand requireth not fhooes,as thefoote doth,nor the foot needeth gloues as the hand doth: a garter is vncomelyabout the necke, and fo is a chaire about the. legge. Ifthe members then ofthe na- turalbódy fatisfiedwith thofe induments, which naturehath allotted vnto them; anddoewillingly yeelde to their fellowmembers,that whichbel-ongethvnto them,and in loue one to another,and for their owne fake , helpe to in uefi them with the fame , why fhould the members ofthe my-