-'"' -aft _ Yeri e 2O. .A i 1RT E $. myflicall body ofChris`s be difcontented with thofe ludow- monts , wherewithgrace bathqualified them,or difdain that their fellow brethren fhould in any refpeóó be made equall or fiaperiour to them, when it is for the publique good of many?Let yongmen therfore, how frefh inwit or tlrength foeuer they be,yet honour and not defpife the ancient, who by long experience andobferuation are ofdeeper iudgment andbetterable to gide counfèll,though they be weaker in body,and hauedefeas in their fenfes : and let the aged giue countenance andgood encouragement to them ofyouuger yeares,ifthey be honefi andvertuous , and not fcorne them as breene heads,and vnskilfiill, ifthey be ingenuous and teachable:for albeit theyhaue leffe vnderflanding to fpeake and giue díreaion,yet they may haue greater power topra clife,andput matters in execution: as theone fort will ferue for the eyes and tongues ofthe Common-wealth , to finde out,anddeclare what is meete to be done, fo will the other for feete and bandes to goe to theplaces whither they (hall be fent,and.to performe the fcruices whereunto they (hall be called. Verfe 2o. Theblewneffeofthe woundfrueth to purge the esssll,and theflriperwithin the bowels ofthebellie. THc4lewncfe ofthe wound,] Thorpecorreions and fe-- uerepunifhments which are argued by the effe&s, or fignes thereof,ferueth topure theeuill is the ordinance of God,together with rebukes and inflr;uaions,to drawdiners perform that will not otherwife be reclaimed out of their finnes,and theffripes within the bowels ofthe belly, fuch Ilrokes as pierce inwardly,&make the heart toake:not that in cha flifing it is lawfull toflrike fo hard,or fo much,or to vfe fuch rods,or fcourges as will pierce into the intrailes : for that wereto indanger life,and toput todeath, but hee íheweth the manner how the euill is cured, where the cerreetion ta- lethgood effe6t,that it entreth into the inwardparts, affe- deth 1.