Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Dori. 2. R ì R B S. Chap. 2ò:' áìeth the four with forrow_ and feare .;..sand not onely the body with paine and ,fnartè :..that :the tninde is no Ic lè touchedwith it then ..t, e. facíh. In this fenfe 1,vas the fame word vied -i n.the ;feuen and..twentieth verfe , The light, oftheLordfearcheth-into. the bozrelr,,or'cham.bers'oofthebell Sege.rc corruaions are fometimes to-be vied as cool' medicines againfi great. fumes.' _ Thefe are to be infliaedby all fortsófGouernours , Eç clefallicall, Chilli, and Domeflicali , but in filch different' tnanner,as thediuerfityoftheir places,and callings doth re. quire. Saint lode dothdire&`I theChurch, as to hauecons -_ pafsiononfme,andWinne themwith lenity andmildenefí'e, . fo to rue others with f Are, andwith her (harpe cenfures to piluck,e them out ofthefire.And in the law,the Magiflrate was prefcribed,that iftheoffender were worthy to beebeaten, hee fhouldcaufe him to lie down, & tobe beatenbeforehisface,ac. cording tohis treiliafrè,vntoa certaine number. ortie firipes hemight caufe him tohaue,but not pal1. And as touching paa- rents and fuch as rule in fann'lics, we thall not neede topro- duceany tef}imonies,hauing in the former chapters in fun- dryplacesmet with texts for that purpofe. Firfl,theLordbath in his ordinance appointed the fame for a helpe and remedyagainfi Chong corruptions , & they are as potions,launcing,letting of blpo,d_, . and cauterizing 'iomhim,aud therefore they to whom it apperteyneth , are inioyned to exercife them as his hands for thofe purpofes. Secondly, he giueth a blefing thereto in due time for. the fattingofthe foules, and amendment ofthe wayes ofhisE.- leapeople, focenfured, or punifhed : as was to befeene in the incefluous perfon, upon whom S.Paul-required to be layd that fearefull penalty of-excommunication , that he fhould bedeliveredover toSathan , and excludedoutof the Church, vntill he repented. It appeareth that he was'wake- ned thereby, that he was terrifiedwith feare, that he was pearced withforrow : for the ppoffleafterwards informeth thecorinthi rns,that it. wufisfficientfirhim that hewas rebu- kgd