Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

54 R O V E R B S. C ap. i. will cafe lots to determine each mans part, and that which is more, thou fhaltin themeane time haue money ofvs', if thou wante'-i to defray thy charges : thou (halt liueof our purfe, and weein the like cafe will of thine ; we will hauea common baggeamong vs. Doctrine. Theywhich are moll vnrighteous feeme yet fometimes ïui}and liberal! tofonre. s.Sam.2 . Nabal, which was Co franke in good cheare to his fheep- fhearcrs,as to make themafeali like it King,may be thought to haue kept touch withtheman for their wages, and paid them their due, and yet is branded by the Holy -Ghott far a churle,and a currifh miler. Firfî, the worít areproud, and ambitious, and covetous, ofcredit, and therefore few of them bewilling to incurre the hatred and deteilationofall men. z. Secondly,nature is not Co fully extinguifhed in them,but . that Tome fparkes thereof are yet aliue, which will compel! them to make foreof their friends partakers ofthat which theygather. zbwrn 2.1 s. TheProphet compareth the1fJ"yrians to fierce and ra- uenous wilde beafls , and yet faith bee , the Lyon did teare ánpeeves enoughfor hiowhelps, andworiedfor his Lionel , &c. 3. Thirdly, if they fhould profeifedly be injurious to all, and kinde to none , none would be fociable with them, or in any their caufes, be affixingvnto thern.They cannot doe fo much hurt, as they dcfire, without Tome helpe, and they cannot haue helpe without Tome requital' . And therefore theyglue appearance ofhonef#y and beneficence , fo farre as may make for their owne good, and will ferue their turne, and fo farre forth cuen the diuell will Phew himfelfc beneficial', dealetruelyandperformehis promife. Inftrucbon, not to be too fwift and lautfh in praifing the bounty and hofpitality of the wicked, fometimes toa few, when we fee them otherwifa opprefl'ours ofmany. Thieues and robbers are knowne often tobe prodigal! in their ex- penfes, and to pay the fhot for all thecompany, andq yet vnworthy to becalled either bountiful!, or liberal! ; and fo are