64 PROVERBS. chap. i. themwith indignation. Confider that they are in the [late ofmad men and bedlam : they furioully arikeat thee, and miferably wound themfclues : in feeking tobreaks thy head, they incurablycut their owne throates . Thou =deft not therefore requite themwith reuengefull actions, or clamo- rous inueecucs ; their owne hands and their owne tongues be fierce enough againfi them , hauing neither mercynor moderation in them. I Verle z 9. Such are the ',ayes of every one that u giuen to gaine, it willtAke away the life ofthepoffefers. Ow arewe come to the concluíon ofthis point, whet.; all that bath beenc fpoken thereto is knit vp fenten- tioufJy with a rhetorical] acclamation and applied to more than robbers & purfetakers,or grollemu there's : for faith he, fuch are thewages ofevery one that it giuen to gaine : So fiandeth the cafe both forpradifeofcruelty, ifoccalionbe offred, andperil] offclfe-hurting, with all that are toogree- dyofgetting commodity. It is thegaineor commodity that is defired with acouetous mind, or compatled, with an vn- righteous hand it ivill takeaway the life of thepof feffersof it,; bring de[{rudion at fail offouleor body, vpon than that fovnrighteoully hunt after it. So farre as men be couetous, they be alto cruel! . Such are their wayes(faith theText) like theirs, whole feete rake halle to flied bluud, and liketheirs , who fpread nets for their brethren though they be often difcoucred anddefea- ted. Eaboths Vineyardwas much more defired.ofAchab and Iezabell, than his life, though hee was his faithful! fubiec4, and nearel}neighbotr. And ?.ahrasn wouldhaue curled to death a wholenation, & that the bell nation in all the world, the Church and people, of God for wages and promotion. And from this roote (prang the calumniation of Demetrita againfla Past]. And the treachery of Zibah again]}c,í fephi6e- /beth , and the treafonofpsdu ägainil Chrs1. Fit f},