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7Z\Nc©>4 x . a, 3. o RovERBs. m Chapr' are'fent on Wifdornes errand, and haue recelued their meC Page, but through flourhfulnesare flacke to deiiuer it : flee commands them to crie,, and they c1 iJ 1 [cerce rake pagnes ro fpeal;e, and fo aredifobcdient and vntrutly to God th ;{t (en. deth thern,and tr,acherous and pernicious to the foules vn- towhom they arc fenr. And laitly,hiere are to be taxed thole Mini fiers, which Zed t obfcurity, and labour to 1,et applaufe and prai(e of-learning, by that courfe and pbraie of fpeech aspeopie leaf] vnderffand,and rherfore are little or nothing edified by it. Patdcould approue his fauhfulne s by this, that he made the tatter fú plaine, that if theGofpeli cre hid, 't vas hid co them that were loft, whom the prince of darknes blindfolded. Without in thefireet,r, &c.] God hath appointed hisgofpel to he preached,and heard,äs publikelyas may be,for the be. nefit many..St.echap 9.verfè 3. Doc`irr. 3, Gods Miwuiers, by whomW fedonie cryeth, ought to doe rood to Wiens foules in all places. Theconuertion of (inners , & the edification of the faith- ful is to he fought with all diligence and zeale : notime,r)o occalion, no place, nor c pportunity which may further the fame,isro be let fl p. Such is the induftry ofWifdome in this tcxt,rraking her voyce to be heardWithout the city, and in the city ;in the (freers,& at the gatcs,and whereconcourfe is. And fo did Chrif l in)fIfeln the temple,fynagogues, fields, mountains,houfes,highways,vpon land,&on the waters. &c. Soallo did the Apoftles &Miniftcrs of (brfl, as may ap. peare,A?sio 24 and í6,r4 r; 31.3z.and o. Firff,loyalry to God,whofe fhepheards and ambafladors., they are, reguireth it at their hands ; for it helongeih to a feruant to be faithful) and diligent in his matters buíinefle, wherefoeuercccalon is offered. Secondly, ,loue ro their brethren, hatredoffin,anddkfire ofinens faluation,' fheuld inciteand flir them vp thereunto. Thirdly, as they be pr eft, and ready to doeGods aorke every where, fo will their nages and rccompence he cor- refpondent ii; greatnes vnto their good fez uice. Reproofe