Verf22.., PROVERBS. 7. Reproofe of the negligence and vnconfcionableneire of them, who thinke they are free tobe mute , amongwhom. foe= they conuerfe,or wharloeuer is fpokenor done in their pretence, if they be out of the Pulpit. Many both Mini- fiers and private perfons , doe thinke that all places befidc theChurch ,are priuiledged from thewords of wifedome. And therefore it is held meete for her, eythcr to be abfent from,or filent at many meetings,as at teaks andplaces ofre- creation, where noword ofReligion mua be heard,for feare of marring all. And in dayes ofreuelling, ançl running into all excelle of riot, men im:agìne that they haue a Charter of long cu[fome,good enough to commit time without con - trolement. Verfe z z. Òjeefimple ones, how longwillyeelouefnzplicitie, and infcorning, rndfooles hating knowledge ? H Ere beginneth the matter ofWifedomes fpeech and di rec4ion : which conlií erh ofate Expoffulation, in ibis Verfe, and of an Exhortation in the next. In the Expollu- r Perfons withwhom bee dealeth. lation rate the Forints for whichhe blameth them. of `Perons three forts are reprehended : the firl are the fimple, fuch as are voyd offound iudgement and vnderflan. ding, and therefore are ready and ca(ie to be peruerred. As it is laid in the föuretcenth Chapter,verf, 15. Thefimple belee- meth euery thing. The fecondareScorners, filch as being let in mill, refute, deride, and dildaine adi manes vied to reclayme them. The third are Fooles, ho are poyfoncd with. pttlilent opinions, and corrupted wicked courCes of life and be- hauiour. TieFàsrlts herewith hee v'pbraydcth i hem, are the ha. bites of cuill in them,as. of tìmplicitie in the ,Simple, offcor- ning in theScorncrs, of Iooliflmctle in, the Fooles; whereof hee Pre.