Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Ye^ .z;Z. trefpatier, trauell both in one way, though theone before theother : andwho knoweth how foonc lice that commeth after,may ouer-takehim that gocth before ? And to thefame endofthe Tourney they !hall bothcome (ifneytheroftbern repent) namely, to perdition; and hell-fire,' wherewith they fhall be both torrnented,though vnequally,and not the one fomuch as theother, becaufehisoffences haue not beencCo many, or fo fearefull. Jeproofc of them that imbolden themfelucs in pettie and light offcnces(as they repute thenì,notwith(landing they Aal feele them great and weighty,when their foules.1hall be prefledwith the heauy burthens of them) becaufe theyare not culpable and guiltieoffilchoutrageous villaniesas Come others. They allow thendclues to take thename of God in vaine, becaufe they blafpheine it not,nor perjure : they may vfe dalliance and wanton trickes and exercifes, becaufe they proféffenot whoredome, as Come are knowne to 'doe : they are not afraid tobe earthly,& worldly,and fold to couetoul- neue, becaufe they are not oppre%rsand fpoylcrs; as many are found to be. This is to iu(li6e ones felfe by 'comparifon, that others blacknetre should make him white, and others culls fhoúld make him good, which the Scripture allowcth not for a matter ofcomfort, but admoniiheth every man to prove his owne worker, that bee mayhaue reioycirag in hirnjelfe only, andnot inanother :for everymanAga beare hisowne bur. then. Otherwife, what a folly were it for Fellons, Cut-purfes and Burglers to yeeld themfelues conui red, and to Buffer the lenience ofdearh,wbites there are any Traytors or murr therers, or any that haue committed moreor greater rob- beries , at the Barre ? Otherwife alfo, many reprobates rnouthes would not be, flopped , but opened at the dayof the Lord. Thole that haue done leali hurt might cleare themlelues by them that haue done moff, vnrill it come to Caine, or Iudas, or thePharifes,.0 hich haue finned a ainft the holy Ghofl, or defperate Apoliatcs : and at laf}, the Dwell ( hould be damned for all, becaufe that neuer any man hath done halte fo.muchniifchicfcas lace. 641.6.4, 1.