Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

de'dr)i`'` e, ate 611?) U IP Summarie ofall theDoarines collec`fed ow of the feueYau TYfes of theíe two Chapters. CITAP. I. VERS. I. Doi, i. He Scriptures ofGodare not oney repleniJhed with truth, but with profound wifedome. Doet.z. Salomon is the eleded, fanesified , and undoubtedly fatted chill' of God. Doi .3. Godly parents, and vertuous children are trnntt all ern& meets one toanother. Doc` .4. Great menare much gracedby thefruits oftbeirPietie, and Wifedonse. VERS. 2. Do1. i. ITmakethmuch for the commendation of words or writings to bevrefrxll or profitable. Doa.z . Knowledge is thefirfi ,andanecef fariefruit ofGods word sn the hearts of hisferuant r. Do .3 . He that wilt be iudicioua in theftsbfante of R, lgionmuff be s;!ull in the words andfenfe ofit. VERS. 3, Dock,I. THewordofGod as the onely true rule of allgood tai- ons. eflll men oieght to labour for integritie in well doing. VER S. 4. Do 51.i. 're Scriptures ofGod are written as wellfor thebenefit of the romane and ignorant, as ofthe great andlearned, Dat.2. 11 en without ff'irituall w f ea'ome are no better then chil- dren. V E A-.5.