Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Isrem, 44.i6. x7. R S. ap.I it not wifedome then, with all celeritie to make fpeede, and runneto theLord by humiliation and amendment ilfdeath and judgement may finde mee our before the next night, loth it not concerne mec to finde God and his fauour be- fore the next noane; yea, in this prefent moment and 'in- ftant The holy Ghoft perfwadeth him that is iLratigled with rafh Suretifhip, and fallen into his neighbours hands, to rid hirnfelfe out with as much (peed as the Doe runneth from the thinter,or, the Bird .fiyeth from the Fowler; and not fo much as once to flcepe or take ten in tuch petal, how muchmore oughtcí thou that art inlnaredwith deadly finne, more dangerous than Debt, ho througb. rebellion haft caa thy felfe into Gods hand,to be punifhed,how ouch more I fay) oughtefi thou tomake all haft to repent, and get thy pardon, that thy foule may be laicfrom perdition ? Rcpruofe of rhofe that maintaine their corrupt courfcs, both of Superftition and diffolute licentioufnetic, and take libertie to ¡lue and proceede therein by prcfcription : T hey euer lince their childc-hood , and their ance(lors beyond mans memory, haue exercifed the fame, ar;4 therefore it ieemeth vnreafonable that they fhould now be d. barred of them. A whole Sermon ofIcremies was foconfuted, if a Con- tempt and reícftion may gue currant for a confutation. For in plaine tearmes they refute to c b y, fayir:g; The zrord that thou haf7fpoken tovs in the mine of the Lord, we willnot heare it of thee, but wee will doe whatfoeuer thinggoeth out of our ozone mouthes, as to burne Incen¡e to the things ofheauen, and to poure out drinke Offeringsvnto them. its wee hauedone, both eve, andourFathers, our Kings, andour Princes, &c. This reafon is of no force in fads ditailoued by the po- fitiue Lawcs of Kingdomes and Nations : mutt fudges iu. ílifie all things to be lawful! that are vfuail ? Is it a good plea to cleare ones felfe of the crime of robbery, to fay that hee is anauncient Robber ? And that thereforeno penaltie is due to him for murther, becaufe he was a murtherer from his youth, and lince that time bath murtheredmany ? Con. uisïed offenders are wont to plead for themfelues after a contrary