Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

So PROVERBS. Chap. I forrow and afflidion , Iamer 4.9. and acknowledge their friendthip which haue deliuered Wifedomes mellage vnto vs : for none-can be fobeneficiall, and gratifie vs fomuch, as they which haue communicated vnto vs the counfells of God, and direc`Ied vs in the wayof faluation ; 'leeMat hath conuerted afanner _from, going asiray, dotbfaue a.foulefrom., death , andhideth multitude of f rifles. 2. Reproofe and terrour for them that diuert from fomeof their lewd court-es , but turne not to the right way : which may be laid toalter their runes, rather than to leaue off fin- ing ; which changefuperilition into prc)fanenetle and watt- fulnelle into couctoufneile andoppreffion, &c. There goe forward (lain the fame journey , though they goe in ano- ther path And what (hall wee fay of them that turnebacke from good , or runne fatter inmill ? which haue reuolted from that piety which theymade profeflionand drew of, ar are more outragions in wickednes and rebellion againtt God, than euer they were wont to be? If there be Witdome in WiCedomes counfell, there is nothingbut folly and mad- nes in there mens pras`Iifes. 3 Incourageanent for them that obey this holy exchortati= -on, that depart from iniquities, as tbeyare adrnoni(hed,that returne to God, as to him they are called, though they be jelled at, and euill fpokcnof, and cenfured for filly crea- tures and idcots,..yet let them confider that they can not be reproached, but that-Gods will, which they obeyed, mull allo be contemned : if they deale absurdly , thecounfell of God teachethablurdities : if their behauiour in this-relped be ridiculous, it is-a ridiculous thing to come to God, and be made happy.and bleffedfcreufr. ocir, 2. eft my correc`lion, &c.1 Reproof-es and offlea}ions are fent of'God to helpe men toward faluation, and make them better, The endwhybee checketh and chaieneth vs , is not to driuevs from him, but to draw vs to him ; as parents nur- ture their children to make them obedient, anddurifull,and notrebells and rurine agates : and iusbandu cn till their ground Tannes 5.2o.