Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with. mans deiruiion but from fuch a necefiary determination of. the Divine will as could not do otherwife. I am flare this is new Divinities and I think it is untrue. The generali goodneffe of God unto all is fufficiently fhewn by do- ing good unto all, and by wronging none: but it bindeth him not either to do or to intend the fame meafure of mercy unto all. He may therefore without any pre- judice to his Goodneffe , in fpeciall mer- cy prepare for fore from. everlafting , and in time beflow upon them, that grace which he knoweth will and intendeth fhould infallibly bring them unto glo- ry : This we call his decree of their E- ie Lion. He may alfo without any pre- judice to his Goodneffe or Juflice , out of the libertie of his own will abfolutely refolve not to prepare nor bellow upon fome men that grace which he knoweth would bring them untoglory; and may fur- ther juflly decree topermit fuch to fall into thofe finnes whichhe knowethwill deferve and for whichhe decreeth to inflict upon them eternal! torments: And this we call Non-ele6tionor negative Reprobation. As for that wild fanfie wof providing for any men their eternall mifeery, and thatfrom e- verlafling,& before he thought ofmaking them, or bellowing any good upon them,we hold ab- folute Elrlion and Reprobation , and yet utterly 93