9S , 4upr4lapfarians charge not God deflinate them, Gods Predeftination is no caufe at all of faith or perfeverance or any faxing grace, this previfionnot caufing things, but fuppofing them as alreadie pro- duced byother caufes. To difpute what God may dobyhis ab- folute fovereignty, is for the moll part a fruitlefle difputation ; efpecially in quefli- ons concerning his dealing with mankind: wherein having revealed in his word what he will do, and by what rule he will pro- ceed, it is certain that nowhe can neitheran- nihilate a finner, nor torment a righteous man in hell, onely to jinn, his fovereignty. Not that he wanteth power or ftrength todo ei- ther the one or the other, but becaufe his conflant and inmutable will hath decreed that finners !hall be tormented ¬ annihi- lated,& that righteous men !hall be crowned not tormented . It is therefore utterly deni- ed, that theabfolute decree ofelecting fonie and not- electing otherfome conteineth in it an antecedent decree to inflia an infiniteevil upon anyguiltle/ creature. I This problematical! queflion is needleffe amongfi thole who fo hold abfolute Prede- fiinàtion andReprobation,and fo reject cone ditionall Predeftination and Reprobation grounded upon the forefeen as of mans free-will, that withal! they hold the decree of damnation, whether of reprobated an- gels