Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

z io supralapfar?ans chiarge'net God would& fhould rather choofeaboliíhment, annihilation or Not-being, then continu- ance ofbeing fo hatefull a perfon untoGod, and fo finfull and wofull a perfon in him- felf. And this is it, and all which maybe inferred from the words ofS.Hierome,orof our Saviour. For all that a wife and patient man would think it better tohave both his eyes alwayes aking then to have bothquite put out . If the comparifon of better and worse be put to the difordered judgement and will of the damned perfon, who looketh onely at himfelf, nodoubt but he will judge that belt which maketh moil for his own eafe : But if better andwort be confidered with refpet ofthe true judgement ofGod, Judas his be- ing tormented is better then Judas his Not- being. And ifJudashimfelf in his choice ofBeing or Not-being had a well -ordered will, his Being ( though in torment) would feem better, wherein he ferveth to illufirate the gloryofGods power, truth and juftice, then his Not -being, wherein he can be ufe- full or ferviceable to nogood end. Not - being cannot be the fcope of regulated ele- f auf. ve &ion : for £ quod quifque retie eliget appe- lib. arúilr, tendum, Cúm adidpervenerit, necefJ"e eft melior 1. 3. c.8. fiat : major autem le nonpoterzt, qui nonerit. 1r'emo igitur ran poteft ei gere ut non fit. It is therefore onely amor inordinatus propriï boni