Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

An an f ver to the Preface, with forme propofi- tions concerning the true nature of Predeflination or Eleciion. He Titleof the Book jufrly rejc eth an abfolute Decree for the damnation of any particular perfon : for fuch a decree was never enacted in Gods eternall counfel nor ever publifhed in his revealed word. But for abfolute Reprobation , if by this word be underflood onely that Preterition, Non-tleäion,or negative decreeof Predefli. nation, which is contradictorily oppofed to the decreeofElection, the one is as abfolute as the other,and neither dependeth upon the forefeen difference ofrnens actions, but up- on the abfolute will of God. For if God from eternitie abfolutely eleded fore unto the infallible atteinment of Grace and Glo- ry, we cannot but grant that thole who are not comprifed within this abfolute decree are as abfòlutely paffed by as the other are chofen. The decree of Damnation there- foremar not be confounded with the de- cree ofnegative Predeliination, which ( ac- cording to the phrafè of the School rather thenof the Scripture) is ufually termed Re- probation. By which termofReprobation forme underfiand onely the deniall of E1e,- lionor Predeflination. And becaufe thene- gativñ is tp tie sneaftiáed by the affirmation, rnlcfre