Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mens finnes: the permifsive decree whichcohereth unto Non-ele6ion or negative Reprobation to be a judiciary decree, that it needeth no fur- ther confutation. He further telleth us , That Permifsiora is nomore then a nothindering ofmen f romfall_ ing that are able to (land, and f ppo f th a po f - fibilityofnot f nning: But thofe who defend abfolute Reprobation make it a, withhold- ing -ofgrace needfullfor theavoidingoffinne , andf6 includinga nece f itieof f nnin,g. In this difpute about abfolute Predeflina- tionand Reprobation or Non - election, we are not to regard wha every particular Do- tour faith or writeth , but what is in deed and truth a confequent of the doìrine it felf. And fiat we anfwer, That the per- mifsive decree upon which Reprobation de- pendeth conteineth in it fomewhat more then abare not- hindering of men to fall into finne, though it be no reali pofitive efficient or working caufe of their finne .For where- as God hath infinite wayes whereby he could prevent the finnes of any Reprobate perfon,and that without forcing their free- will, it conteineth a pofitive andperempto- ry refolution of denying them all fuchgrace as he knoweth would prove effeauall to their falvation were it afforded them. And which is more , it conteineth a pofitive de- cree of putting them into fuch circurnflan- T.. 4 ces 7 167