with mens finnes. 169 fallibly followupon this Reprobation, per mifsion, and withholding of effeauall grace; yet not an as effect floweth from the proper and true caufe,but as a Confequent is deducted out of an Antecedent, by a true formof reafoning. As for example,if we reafon thus , God absolutely decreed to withhold from the non-eleít angels all filch effeauall grace as he knewwould have upheld thern,andwithout which he knew infallibly that they wouldfall away ; and he further decreed topermit them to fall away: Therefore God by theri his decrees neceffárily caufid their finne, it is a falfe colleenion or. inference. But thus argue, Godabfolutely decreed, &c. therefore their finne and voluntary apoftafe certainly followed necefsitate infallibiltatis , this is a true inference. That whichoccafioned the Remonfirants errour in this point , is an equivocation in the word Caufe or Caufing. For one maybe faid to, be the caufe of fuck, an evil actionor event, really, truly, and properly, when he doth diredly work the produaionof that evil; or abufively, improperly, and falfely, when, he doth not work as hecould to the preventing and hindering of finch an event. Thus ignorant men may fuppofe that when the funne withholdeth his beams, it really & truly workethor caufeth that darknef e, coldneffe, foggineiTe, wherewith the aire is prefently