Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

with mensflames.- nì s aciof and therefore cannot be reduced unto God a molt perfed agent, but unto man an unjuft defeáive and difordered agent : Yet peccatum q:iatenus pona or judi- cium, as it is made a punifhment or judge- ment lighting upon another, is a jult and orderly action, and therefore' reducible un- to God the juft Judge of the world. Sup- pole a Judge fo ordereth the matter, that fuch a traitour hill be ulrangled or be- headed by fuch an executioner : fuppofe withall that the fame executioner firangleth or beheadeth him not out of obedience to the Judge but out of the malice of his own heart : here the fame ad, which is the kil- ling of a man , as it proceedeth from the wicked will of the executioner, is a finne, and not caufed by the Judge; but as it is a punifhment infiided upon the traitour, it is good and juli, and caufed by theJudge him- felf. And this is all which Calvine main- teineth in faying, b Pravos improbo ;'um affe_ 6 De neà bus ad exfequenda fita judicia defiinat & re_ calta Dei pravid. git Deus. Fag. '747. Whereas it is objected, That a good end r. cannot moralize a bad aaicn, becaufe the evil offinne is greater then any good can come by finne it is true, if the had action and the good end be both referred onely to the (inner : But if thebadnefre of the aEtionbe referred onely to the finer as the proper g- caufe,