Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

184 Supralapfarians chargenot God caufe, and the goodneffe ofthe end or good ufe onely which God maketh of it be re- duced unto God alone; then it dothmora- lize it, making it a jnft and goodad fo fare as it refpedeth God the ordainer and cau- fer thereof. Neither is the evil of a par-. ticular finne greater then the good which God can extra& out of it ( for then he would never permit it) though it be greater then any good which a finnefull man doth intend by it. That which the Jews did in. putting Chrift to death was 1æ6o Divine majeflatis Divino bono oypofita : But that which God did in caufing the punilhment of our finnes to light upon Chrift was not Divino bono oppofita, but fuch an action as tended to the Petting forth of Gods good- neffe and glory. We do not grant there- fore, that God for any good end either wit- leth or worketh any finne guá peccatum: but we onely fay, that God willeth, ordereth, caufeth thole outward anions or events whereunto finne cleaveth ex párte impiorum agentium, as by him they are made just pu- nifhments or great benefits unto men. Whereas it is yet further urged, IfGod willeth the finne as it is a means of punifh- ment, he wilieth it ais finne; for in no other conjaderation it is a means of Fulfillment! and fo Gods decree is terminated to the very for- mality of ; here is a plain miltake. If God