Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

zo Propofitions and Corollaries d Zn'.d=fp Th% Jefuite Vafquez, ' though he found 89' Predeftination unto glory upon forefeen merits, yet in this he is founder then the Ar- minians, in that he maketh the differencing of the Predeflinate from the Reprobated tobeginne before all abfolute previfion of their free-will confenting the one way or the other. Andour learned Bifhop of Nor- wich Dr Overall explaining the xviith Ar- ticle hath thefe words, 1 ofira Ecclefla con- jungit particulars decretum abfolutum, non ex prafcientia humanefrdei aut voluntatls depen- dens,fdexpropofito Divinevoluntatis Jra- rie de his quos Dews elegit itt Chriflo liberan- dis, cumgenerali conditionata voluntate,feu generalipromifsione, &c.Where he evidently acknowledgeth an eternall, fecret, abfolute Decree , predeflinating particular perfons unto eternall life without all dependency upon their forefeen faith or perfeverance; though therewithall he conjoyn an open,re- vealed and Evangelicall Decree of bring- ing men into the pofl'e4fion of eternall life by the way and upon the conditionoftheir faith, repentance and perfeverance. Prop, 2 . Ele ion or Predeftination findeth or confidereth all mere men inone and the felf- fame condition : and it is the grace prepared for them in Predeftination which maketh the predeflinate become holy & happy men. If Predeftination be conceived as ante- cedent