Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

192 SupraLLpfariañs overthrowReligion Preface to Luther, De Arm arbitrio, between Grace and 71rede(lination, there is onely this difference (as S. Augu- guftine teacheth 1.De7redeff. Sané. cap. Io.) That"Pre- de(lination is a preparationof Grace, and Gracea bellowing of Predellination. As Zeno's fervant and there Monks did, fo would all men judge, did they confiderately think that men could not choofe but offend. Andwhat would be the refultance of fuch a perfwafion, but an inundation of the greateff infolencies,& adiflolution of all good government ? a. Nor, ifthis be true, can finne be punifhed eternally, or that tribunals be juft on which the fentence of eternall fire (hall be denounced againfi the wicked at the 1aft day. To this I have the Fathers bearing witneffe generally andplain- ly . Tertullian bath there words, m The recompenfe of good or evil canwith no juflice begiven tohim who is good or evil not freely but ofneceNtie. S. Hierome faith, n where ne- ceffitie domineereth, there is no placefor retribution. Epipha- n+us faith, ° The (lanes which impofe upon men a neceffitie of finning, may be punifhed with better jailice then themen themfelves. 1 we place mens nativities under no fatal! con- flellations, faith S. Auguffine, that we may free the will, by which a man liveth either well or ill, from all bands ofne- cefjitie, becaufe ofthe righteous judgement of God. Profper fpeaking ofthe judgement of God by which he decreed to render unto everyman accordingto his vvorks,faith, q This judgement Amid never be, if men did fanne by the will and determination of God. Fulgentius alfo faith the fame ; It is great injusticein God to punifb him whom he lothnot findbut make anoffender. This was S. Bernards opinion too ; f It is onely a will free from compulfion and necef- fitie, faith he, which maketh a creature capable of reward and punifbment. e t Tertutt. Erb. z. contr. Marcion. Caterùm nec boni nec mali merces jure penfa- retur ei qui ant bonus aut malus necef(itate fuit inven- tus, non vo- Iuntate. n Liberi ar- bitrii nos condidit Deus ; nec ad virtutes nec ad vitia neceffitate trahimur : Alioquin ubi necs ìitas efl, nee damnatio nec corona ell. o Fpiph. adverf. tar.l. r: Far. S. ,num.3. Sanè quidem ju(liús flellis qun necefliratem pariunt pcenæ repetantur, quám ab co qui quod agir &vay- 7teóu voc, necefïirateada&us aggreditur. p v. t.z.contr. Fauft.c. S. Et nos qui- dem Cub fato flellarum nullius hominis genefinponimus, ut liberumarbitrium volun- tatis, quo bene vel malè vivitur, propter juflumDei judicium ab omni neceffitatis vinculo vindicemus. q Profp.ad 'bj. ro. hrnc. Quód judicium Futurum omnino non effet, G homines Dei voluntate peccarent. r Fuient. 1. r. ad,Mon. cap. za.Nec jufliria jufla dicetur,fi puniendum reum non inveníife fed feci ife dicatur.Major verò cric injuflitia, G lapfo Deus retribuat pcenam ,quem {lantern prædeflinaffe diciturad ruinam. f$ern.l.Degrat. lib. arb. p. 908. Sola volunras,quoniarnpro fui ingenita liberiate aut diffentire libi aut præter fe in aliquo confentire, naira vi,nulli cogirur neceftitate, non immeritò juflum vel in iuflum; beatitudine feu miferiá dignam se capacem creaturam conftituit, proat fcilicet juflitiz injuaittzve confeolènt. Out