Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

196 The Supralápfarians doctrine putteth nonecéfïitntion upon aaións fore feen, nomore doth theeternal! Predeftina- tion of God. Gods decrees are immanent in himfelf after one manner, and the tern- porall effe6ts or events decreed are produ- ced by men after another,, that is, contin, gentlyand freely according to the nature of the agents. They themfelves feel and find this by their ownexperience in all predefti- nated events, and therefore Gods eternal! and fecret decrees cannot nor do not take away the confcience ofmens finnes. Judas his confcience told him that he had finned in betraying innocent blond , though the 4 .7.2,,. Scripture telleth us that being delivered by thedeterminedcounfel ofGodforeknown, they took chrijl, and by wicked hands they crucified him and flew him. Aquinas refolveth the point thus ; ordo preedeflinationis eft certia, & tarnen libertas arbitrii non tollitur ex qua contingenterprovenit predeftinationis effetlus. Vidr Eft - And this is the fame which S. Auguf line vm, in I . ,intent. long before had taught ; Deus ita ordina.t 4161 1.39.§.7. or/miaut proprios motus exercere finat. pag:1 36. 3. To his third reafon there needeth no anfwer : It is ineffea the famewith the for-. mer, and flandeth upon this petitioprincipii, That all effe6s and events predeflinated are fatal!, and that the Agents have no libertie or choice in doing them : which is a gro% errour, and rejeacdby School divinesand ,by AM