overthrowethnot Religion, be. by modern Papifis as well as Protefiants. His furtheramplifications areall to the fame purpofe, and therefore we let them paffe. What Auguftine writeth for redìfying the }udgement of the t.. Adrurnetine Monks, this Authour might have done well to have made ufe of for reóifying his own erro- neousjudgement. They fuppofed that abfo- lute Predeftination could not ftand together with mans freedome unto ations predefii- nated5 but Augufiine taught them the con- trary, and fo reclaimed them. And we with that this Authour would out of S. Augu- fine learn that his fuppofition is falfeand erroneous as theirs was. For the Fathers which he bringeth to prove that it is injuftice to punifh men for as to which they are neceffitated and en- forced by Gods Predeftination and Repro- bation, we fubfcribe unto their judgement, and we retort it againff this Authour thus : Augufiine, Profper, Fulgentius, Bernard, and others namedby him, were defenders ofabfolute Electionand Non-elelion, and yet theyheld that men eleeted were j ufily rewarded for their good ads, and men paf- fed-by jufily punifhed for their bad ads ; and therefore they fuppofednot Coadioi or Necetlitation to follow upon Election and Reprobation. The conclufon, that men in their own N 3 actions i'97