Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

193 The Sublapfrians dolrine a&ions do nomore then would be done without them by the necefsitatin; decrees ofGod ; is al_ together falfe and vain. For Gods decrees are not necef itating , though the events de- creed are infallible ; and they leave the wills of men to as much libertie as the Di- vine Prefcience doth. And this is the gene- tall Opinion of Divines, though they differ about the manner ofaccording mans libera tie with Gods Predeftination. Treat) f , 13e arguments by which for the prefent I Rand convinced J. of the untruth even of the milder and lower way (A) too, I will take from chefe five following head:; f i. Pregnant teflimonies of Scripture , direály Ioppofing it. z. Some principali ,..attributes of God , not compatible with ir. 3. The encf of the Wordand Sacramentswitb namely, other excellent gifcs,of God to tnen,quite from thwarted by ir. 4. Holy endeavours much hind red , if not wholly fubvetted by it. ;. Grounds of comfort (bywhich the confcir ence in difirelle amulet be relieved) which L are all removed by it. Iç is lrft , ir is repugnant to plain and evident places of Y. tteptt- [(s ) Scripture even in terminis,as will appear bythefe gnant to itáfiances. S c R. i- ; Ar I live, faith (C) the Lord , I have no pleartare in the P T u R E. death ofa jtnner; but that the wicked ,turn from his wayes, Eeli 3 3.11: and live. And left men lhoald fay, It 4 true, God willeth not the death of4 repenting fnner, the Lord in another place of the fame Prophet extendeth the propoftion to them alto that Tsk, a 8.3 a. l-erigha i havenopleafure in the death ofhim for. , "yeti).