cosatradátieth Scriptures: 199 In this Scripturewe may note three things : I. Gods affe di- Negatively; d have nopleatire in his death on to men , that ditch. fec forth.... Affirmatively; but that the wicked turn. 2. The perlons in whole deftrution God delighteth nor; wicked men, fuch as for their rejeaing 'of grace die and are damned. If God have no pleafure in theirdeath , much lefse in the death of men either altogether innocent or tainted onely with originali finne. 3. The truth of his aft; }ion; As d live. cupit credifthi, Tema lib; God would fainhave us believe him, faith Tertullian,when de pcen.c. 4.. he faith, 1 will not the death ofhim that deeth : and there- x o beatos fore he bindeth his fpeechwithán oath. x Happyare wefor nos, quorum whofefake the Lord vouchrafeth to fwear ; but theft unhappy, ¶ ü Wit, ômi- ifwe believe himnot whenhefxr'eareth! ferrimos, fi Now if Goddelight not in thedeitruc`fion ofwicked men, nec juranti certainly he never did out of his abfolute pleafure feal up fo Domino crC many millions of men lying in the fall under invincible dimus t damnation : For fuch a decreeingof men to eternall death is direaly oppofite to a delight in their repentance and ever- biting life. Godhath(D ) fhut upallin unbelief, that he might have mercie over all. In thefe the Apoflles words are two ALL s of equall extent, the one !landingagainft the other; An ALL of un- believers, and an ALL of oh jeEts of mercie. Look how ma- ny unbelievers there be. on fo many hath God awill of(hew- ing mercy. And therefore ifall men of all forts and conditi- ons, and every man in every fort be an unbeliever, then is every man ofevery conditionunder mercy : and ifevery roan be under mercy, then there is no precife antecedent will of Godof(butting up fome, and thole, the molt, from all pofíi- bilitie ofobteining mercy. For thefe two ate dótisctzu and cannot ftand together. Godfo loved (E) theworld, that hegavehis onely=begot- John.; ten 5onne, that who(oever believeth in him fhould not pe,- rift, &c. God loved the world, faith the Text, that is, the whole lumpof mankind: therefore he did not abfolutely hate the greateft part of men. Again, God loved it fallen into a gulf of finne and miferie: For he fo loved them as to fend his Sonne to redeem them; and a Saviour prefuppofech finne. )lie did not therefore hate the molt of them lying in the fall: N q 'fo