Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

Aiumume oo sttblapfdridns cloelri%e forlove and hatred are contrary a&s in God, and cannot be exercifed about the fame objefts. Many expofitours ( I know ) do take world here in a re- ftrained fenfe,and underftand by it the companyof the Elea, or the worldof Believers onely : But they have little reafon for it in my opinion. For, First, I think there can be no placeof Scripture alledged wherein this word world, efpecially with the addition of whole, as a. Epift. of John chap. z. year, z. (a place equiva- lent to this for the matter of it, anda comment upon it :) I lay no place (I chink) can be produced where world doth fignifie onelythe Ele&, or onely Believers : but it fignifieth either all men, or at leali the molt men living in force certain place and at force certain time but without diftin&ion of good and bad. Or if it be ufed anywhere more retrainedly, it is applyed onely to wicked and reprobate men , who in their affe&ions are wedded to the world and its cran. fitorie delights; and therefore do moil properly deferve this name. Secondly, Suppofe it be granted, that world in Come Scri- ptures is reftrained to theEle&; yet it cannot bear this figni- fication here : Becaufe 1, Thewords then would have a fenfelef a çonftru&ion: For thus would they runne, God fo loved theelea, &c. that xohofoever believes') in himJhould notperifh, &c. And if they runne thus, this would follow ; There arc two forts of the Elea, forne that do believe and (hall be Caved, others that do not believe and (hall be damned : which is a divifion or di- fin&ion unknown in Divinitie. z. Believers and Unbelievers , Damned andSaved, coin- prehend all mankind : for there is no man but he is one of there. Now world in this place includeth believers and un- beli :vets, the faved and the damned, as appeareth moft plain_ ly to him that layeth the 16, 17, and i8 verfes together. Therefore it fignifieth here all mankind without exception of any. .e,.Tim.s.4. who would (F) have all to befared, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. In thefe words the Apoftle delivereth two things : ;. That it is Gods will that men (hould enjoy a happy end, and be faved; a, That it is alfo his will they fhould have the means , and make a good Lire of them in coming to the knovviedge of the truth, that fo they might be laved, There