Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

11...1% contradiCeth Scriptures. 2ö i is no let inGod, but that all men maybelieve and be raved and therefore there is no abfolute will that many Ohoufand men (hall die in unbelief and be damned. Two anfwers are ufually returned, which I confeffe give me little fatisfa6tion. L That by ALL here we are to underlfand all forts, and not every particular man in thofe forts. It is true, that ALL is fometimes fo taken in Scripture; but (I believe) not here : For the very context thevveth that we are to underftandby it the individualls,andnot the kinds, In the firif verle there is a duty enjoyned; I willthat prayers andjupplications be madefor all men : and in this verfe the motive isannexed, God willhave all to be ('awed : As if he íhould have faid, Our charitie mull reach to all whomGod extendeth his love to. God out ofhis lovewill have all to be faved; and therefore in charitie wemutt pray for all. Now in theduty ALL fignifieth every man : for no man, though wicked and profane, is to bP excluded from our prayers. Prayfor them,faith our Saviour, that perfecute you. and Pray, faith theApoflehere, for kings and all that are in au- thority; men in thole dayes, though the greate(f, yet the worft, the very Lions , Wolves and Bears of the Church : Prayfor them. And if for them, then for any other. Thus in the duty it fignifieth every man : and therefore it muff have the fameextent in the motive fob , or elfe the motive clothnot reachhome , nor is thong enough to enforce the dutie. IL The recoil(' .(G) anfwer is, That God will have all to be favedwith his revealed will,but millions to be damned with hisfecret will; But if this anfwer ífand, then (inmy apprehenfion) there 'inconveniences will follow. z. That Gods words ( which are his revealed will ) are not interpretations of his mind and meaning; and by confequence are not true : for the fpeeeh which is not the Uglification of the mind , is a lie. i. That there are two contrary wills in God , .a fecret will, That many formes of Adam (hall irrevocably be damned ; and a revealed will, That all the formes of Adam may be Pa- ved. 3. Thatone of Gods wills muft.needs be bad, either the fecret or the revealedwill. For of contraries, if the one be good, the other is bad : and fo of Gods contrarywills , if one be good, the other mutt needs be bad. For ma'am eft contrariam keno. Not