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202 The Sublap f rians decirine ,. Pet,3.9, ?trot willing that any fhould perifh, but that allfhould copse to repentance, &c. This Scripture is not fo liable to the exceptions againfl the former teftimony. For it is a negative proportion , and mull be taken diftríbutively: and therefore fpeaketh that in plain terms which is contrary to abfolute Reprobation. That which is ulually replyed , is , That the perfons here fpokenof, are the ele& onely and fuch as truly believe; God is not willing that any of them (hould perifh. But the contrary appeareth in the text. For the perfons here mentioned are thole toward whom Godexercileth rnuch patience and tong-Peering, as it is in thewords next going before. And who are they?Are they the ele& ? are they be- lievers onely? No , but reprobates rather, who die for their contempt of grace. For it isapparent by Scriptures, that God Rothpatiently expert the converiìon even of them that are never changed but die in their linnes: as we may fee 1. per. 3. 19, zo. where we reade that thepatience of God was ex- crcifed towards thofe who in the dayes of Noah delpiCed it, and went to priCon, that is to bell , for it. Yea of all men reprobates are the truefl and moft proper obje&s of Gods patience, as we may fee Rom. 1.4. where S. Paul (peaking of fuch as go on in fanne, and treafureup .wrath to themfelver againit the day of wrath, faith , that God ufeth patience towards them that he might lead them to repentance. And Rom.9. zz. He endureth,laith the text, with much long-fai fering thevejfels ofwrath fitted to dcliruelion. In the fifth of Ifaiah v. 2,- . and the 65. chap. v. z. we may fee the fame thing. Reprobates therefore as well as others, nay rather then others ; doth Peter here fpeakof , and faith that God would havenone of them to perifh: If they do perifh, it is through their own fault and folly , and not Gods abfolute pleafure, who would have noman to perifh. To thefe tetimonies I may adde thefc (i) conditionall fpeeches : r. Chron: Ifthou feel¿ him,hewill befoundof tóhee:but if thoufarfal e 28.9 him, hewillc. jt thee off for ever. chron. If youfeek him, he will befourtl of you : but ifyou for- i5. fake him,hewill forfake you. tiGen. 4. Ifthou do well, fhzlt thou not be accepted ? and if thou okeY not well, limit lyetb at the doore. Heb. 10.38. Thep/it (ball live by faith : but ifany manwithdraw him- felf, my foul sx iuJ u , fhall have no pleafr re, in bite; shall not like him : he than be a reprobate. By