contrad:cleth Scriptures. By all thereand manyother places that (peak conditionally (for ought that I can fee) it is cleár, that (I( ) God forfaketh no man contidered limply in the fall , till by atuall finnes andcontinuance in them he forfake God. Now if God re- jett no man from falvation in timeand in deed till he call: off God , then Curtly he rejeEtethno man in purpofeand decree, but fuck a one as he forefaw would rejeEt and call off him. For Gods ads in time are regulated by his decrees before time: Ephef. a. r t. He worketh all things, faith the Apoftle, accord>ng to the counfel ofhis ownwill: and therefore there muff be an exalt conformitie between them as between regulam and regulatum , the rule and the thing fquared thereby. By whatfoever therefore God loth in the world , we mayknowwhat he purpofed to dobefore the world : and by his a&uall calling men off when they grow rebellious and impenitent, and not before, we may certainly gather that he decreed to call themof1 for their forefeen rebellionand im penitency, and not before. Betides, it is in fubfiance all one, to call a man offindeed and to entertein a refolution todo it. Our velle and (acere are all one in Gods account : and the reafon is, Becaufe where there is a deliberate and fettled will , the deed will follow if nothing hinder. Much more is Gods will anddeed all one, Peeing his will is omnipotent and irrefftibie, and whatfoever he willeth direaly and abfolutely, is certainly done when the time cometh. Well; all there plain and expieffe Scriptures, with the whole courfe and tenour of Gods word, his opinion flatly contradi&ing, though it do (perhaps) throwd it fclf in Tome dark& obfcure (peaches of holy Writ, I take it to be an un- truth. For what S.Augufline faith in another cafe , I may fafely fay in this Y Sballwe contradict plainplaces, becaufe we cannot comprehend the obfcure? x .4few toflirnonies,faith Tertullian, rru¡t receive an expoftion anfwerable to thecur- rent ofScripture , not contrary to it. This is my, fiat reafon. 4» Anfwer to the objectionsagainfl the Low& way. Ffore we come to anfwering particular objections we muff put this Authour in remei 203 y Ñunquid ideo negan- dumquod a- pertura quia corn- prehendi non potei( quod occul, rum ea. Z Secun- dùm plum pauciora funt inselli- genda: &nè anus fermo fubvertat alios, fecun= dùm omnes potiùs quám adverfùs omnes in- telligendur en t.