204 Pat. 1. h 3. Confaderatsoni concerning remembrance ofthefe few things which he bath not well confidered. 1. Firft , whereas he troubleth himfelf with diftinguifhing the Sùpralapfarian and SublapfarianDoé rine, calling themSupra- lapfrians who in ordering the eternall de- crees of God concerningEletion and Pre- teritionor Reprobation place them before the confiderationofthe fall, and tholeSub. lapfarians whoplace them after ; this pains might well have been (pared. For Priori- ties and Poíleriorities in the eternall imma- tent decrees of God are but imaginations of mans weak reafon, and framed diverfly ( nay contrarily) as well by Schoolmen and Papifts as by Proteftants or tholewhich are termed Calvinifis ; and finally they have little or no ufe in this controverfie, as bath been formerly (hewed. Aquinas thought it no filch matter of moment whe- ther Predeftination be confidered before mans fall and ftate of miferie or after: a )(fe- tus nos accipit fJieciem termino à quo, fed á termino adquern. Nitil enim refirt quantum adrationem dealhationis, utrúm ille qui deal baturfuerit niger, aut pallidus, aut rubeus: & gall/ter nihilrefert adrationem pr edeftinatio- nis,utrièm aliquis pradeflinetur in vitamLter- nam áflatumiferia vel non. And for, R,epro- bation, he feemeth rather to incline to their opinion whoplace it in order of confidera- tion ,41