the Abfolute decree: 205 tion before the fall in !making itfuch apart of the Divine providence as permitteth fome men b deficere à fine. So that this Di- t Ibid4rt.; ftindion of supralapfarians and Sublapfari- ans bath ferved this Authour to no other purpofe but to the inculcating of the fame objeEtions againand again. 2. Secondly , this Authour should have confidered that there is nomedium afsigna_ bile exparte Dei betwixt thedecrees ofPre- deftinating force men and Not-predeflina- ting forceothers ; nor expartehominum, be- twixt men abfolutely predeftinated unto the atteinment of life eternall and abfolutely preterniittedand left infalliblyde Hereab ad- eptione vite aterna, which we call abfolute Reprobation. As for example, let us fup- pofe the number of mankind to be two millionsof men : If out ofthereby thede- cree ofelec ion one million onely be infal- libly appointedor ordained to eternall life, and there certainly and abfolutely diflin -_ guifhed from others not onelyquoadnume- rum, but gtroadpeg f nos , whocan denie but one million alfo, and thofe certain quoad perfonas, are as abfolutely comprifed under , the decree of Non-ele Lionor Reprobation as the others wereunder the decree ofEle- äionor Predeflìnationr It is true that the manner of Gods bring- ing theelet in time unto eternall life is by giving