206 Confiderdtions Concerning giving them repentance, faith and perfeve® rance ; and the manner of Gods permitting the Non-ele t to run themfelves upon the rock of eternal! death, is by fuffering them to continue in their infidelitie and impeni- tencie. But the formali decree of Predefti- nation conteineth an abfolute eternal! pre- paringofthis effeduall grace for !bale; and the formali decree of negative Reprobation or Non-predeftination an abfolute eternal! decree ofnot-preparing this effeauall grace for any others. From whence it is plain that the Divine previfion of finali perfeverance in the ele;`l, and finali impenitency in the non-eleet, loth not nor cannot gobeforethe forenamed decrees, as the Remonftranrs imagine. Let him be judgewho is no friend to Calvinifls : e Prxdeflinari ell gratiam il- lam quamDeus novit in nobis efféóturn habi- turam nobis prxparari : & non pnedellinari, gratiam illam nobis nonprxparari: Nomen- tion offorefeen faith or infidelitie in the one or in the others Thirdly, I could with this Authour had more advifedly weighed that propofi- tion whereupon he groundeth his whole difcourfe, namely, That Gods eternal' and abfolute decrees of Producing fuch and fuchgood aflions in fore men, and his op- politeeternal! and abfolutedecrees ofNot- producing the fame good anions in others, cannot C Pak. in I. qu. 23. dill. 95. 9