the Abfolute decree. 207 cannot farad with the liberty ofmans will, but is a coaóing and neceffitating caufe in mens doing or not-doing the forefaid adi. ons. This he taketh as a poflulatùm unque- ftionable through his whole book: and if this be not freely granted him, he hath laid little or nothing againfl abfolute Predefti- nation or abfolute Reprobation. Now I mull cell him, that this poftulatumwhich he fo boldly prefumeth upon is generally held for an erroneous and falle opinion.I will cite onely the teftimonies ofCalvine's &Beza's known Adverfaries. Bellarrnine ; d Credimtts a nom. 3; .Deum ab f luté voluntate velle f lvare multos, Degrat. e7 ,, abfolutii voluntate alias non vellefalvare. fib. arb. Here you fee an abfolute will in God to fave cap. $' force, and a negation of this abfolute will in God concerning the falvation of others. Now what is this abfolute will of faving fore ( which we call Predeftination) but that fpeciall providence of God e áper elbalcap. infallibilia media in vitam diriguntur £ter- nam ? Doth this abfolute Predeftination take away the freedome of the predeftinate in the aftions of repenting and believing f Refpondeo ; roteft Ille liberégratiam repudi- f cap.` Ia are ; fed certum eft non repudiaturum, quia Deus vocabit ilium ficut videt congruum illi eff ut vocantem non re(puat. Now for negative Reprobation ; This is abfolute as well as Predeftination : s Nulla g cap.I6. dater