Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

203 Con(ideratiorts concerning daterejus caur ex partehaminum, feat neque pr4deftinationis . Doth this Reprobation drawafter it a coadionor neceffiration unto wicked adions for which the Reprobates libell. Ve areafterwards condemned ? No : h Sipec- l. 3. c. 6. cat, libere peccat, quiapoteft deponerepravum crfee`um fi veut gratis Divsnx cooperari. Bellarmine thenwas ofopinion thatabfolute Predeftination and Reprobation might be defended,and yet no neceflìtation of mans De Auxii. will thereupon inferred.Suarez; i Si fermofit 2.c.5P'74 de non-elelione (pain nonnulli Reprobatio- nem negativam vocant) verum eft caulm Mitts effe folam 'Dei voluntatern, exfe- ciatic causâ ex parte horninis. But will not this Reprobation make all theevil and dam- nable aswhereinto the Reprobates infalli- bly fall fubjed tocoac`lion andnecefiitation, bydepriving the agent ofhis free-will in the kibid.lib.3 exercife thereof :' No ; k Divina provi- ` 17.P3 54 dentia impletur interdum /olApermi`sione ac`lu- um lzberorum, quando illi male facluri ßint. Deus non ell autor mali ac7ús 5 but out of ge- nerall and fpeciall reafons flowing from his providence he fo difpofeth of caufes and circumflances as he withall permitteth a Auk , ae wicked man by his free-will to abufe them ced p. unto evil anions. Ruiz proveth at large, df. 7. - Nullam e cauficm exparte no!Ira conccjfe aut neat& prtedeftinationis. Here you fee ab- st,. s, folute decrees of Predeftination and Non- prede-