the A'bfolute decree. predeftination mainteined, and yet all co- anion or neceflitation of the wills of per. tons not-elened, unto their finfull anions is by him denied. Vide De voluntate Dei, difp. ao. §. 5. pag. 223. Vide Agsain. pdr. I. gm. 22. art. 4.6- Cajet. ibid. 6. gm. 23. art. 3, 6. á. Having thus laidopen the falfe fuppofiti- on whereupon this Authour bath founded his dilcourfe, let us now confider the fol.; lowing reafons againft abfolute Reproba- tion, anfwer to his five Reafons againft Ab(olute .Reprobation : andFirfl , to his TeJtimo- nies of Scripture. WHereas thefe five reafons are bent A generally againft the Sublapfarian do&rine, he fhould have done well expre.ffe- ly to have excepted the doctrine of Augu- (tineand all his followers ofthe Church of England, and many other Divines, who are Sublapfarians, and rnaintein the abfolute de- cree of Predeftination and Eton-ele&ionor negative Reprobation, utterly rejecting the R.emonítrants donrine, who make thefe de- crees ofPredeftjnation and Reprobation to follow upon the finali good or bad asof meneternally forefeen ofGod. If his five reafonsbe intendedagainft thefe, I fee not bow he can be excufed from the oppofing of 209