Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

210 The Sullapfarian' doc7rine ofthe fettled.doAnine of our own Church; If they were intended onely again($ fome particular Divines, either of forrein Churches or ofour own, he fhould have called this difcourfe, A difproving oftheir erroneous opinion whofrom the abfolute decree offlan - election or Reprobation inferre an abfo- luteprimedecreeofparticular mens damnation. Amongt which exorbitant Divines he fheweth himfelf to be one of the princi- pall. Now to come to his teflimonies of Scripture. The quefl;ion being, Whether Gods eternall decree whereby men !land di- flinguifhed in EleUos & Non-eleddos, or in Pr.edeflinatos 6- negative Reprobatos, be an abfolute prime decree, or a fubfequent de- creebuilt upon mens forefeen goodnef e and badnefle, all filch telironies as confound the judiciall decree of mans Damnation with the negative Reprobation, will be im- pertinent : For though the former be abfo- lute, yet the latter is refpeäive unto mans fìnnes. Again, all fuch places as prove God path a will of lavingall men under this condition //they believe andperfevere, and of Damningof no manbut for his iniquitie or infidelitie, prove fufliciently that the 'tem- porall bringing of men unto eternall "life flandeth upon conditionate decrees ; and fo likewife the tempcall adjudging of men unto