Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

contradic7eth not Scriptures unto eternal' death: but they are ofno force at all toprove that Elehion and Non-eledi- on are conditionate decrees, or to difprove an abfolute decree ofncgative Reprobation. Lafl of all, fuch places as prove a general" love or a general' merey extending toevery fingular man in the world, do not over- throw thedecree ofabfolute Non-ele-ion ; becaufe love and mercy may be fhown even to the Non-eled. This in general". Now in particular to every teflimony al- ledged. To the firfl out of Ezek. 33. i i. and the I S. 32. we anfwer, This Auahour quite Ad I e forgetteth thevery queflion in hand; When C we difpute of that fpeciall providence which is called Predeftination, and which concernetñ' the bringing offome men unto eternal" life, and the freeing of them from eternal" death, we (peakof fuch a will as (by the confeffion of all Divines) fl ndeth not upon uncertain conditions, but is molt infl- lible and immutable , and that not onely certitr clinc præfcientie Di vi aye but oydinis é cahsfilitatis., as the Schoolmen f weak. Now the Will fpoken of in the teflimonies al_ ledged is that voluntasfimplicis complaccnti2, or voluntas conditionata, which in regardof the good intended and promifed unto men dependeth upon thegood behaviour of their own free-will for the obreining of life and 0 2 avoiding 2I1