212 The sublapfarian docirine avoyding ofdeath. Notwithftanding,this will which extendeth unto all, it is the Di- vine will and decree , that in force men v uñ á m Creata libertas pofsit impedire effects con- *ec.4. fecutionem ; Et hoc volt permittere Deus proper majora Iona. So that this will of exempting Judas or Cain from eternall deathunder condition ofTurning from their wickedivayes, and yet permitting them final- ly to run on in their wicked wayes, is fo far from proving that they were not under any fuch decreeofReprobation, as we maintein that it evidently demonftrateth the truth thereof. It proveth firongly that neither mans fume nor mans eternal! death do fall fib voluntate împlicis complacentix ; for then they fhould be bona 6- arnabilia perfe: But it provethnot but Godmay decree the per- mitting of force men finally to die in their finnes , and eternally to be punifhed for their finnes : wherein we place the decree ofReprobation. The inference or colle&ion, That God dellghteth not in the de.ftrut ion ofwicked men, we willingly grant. For he is onely faid to delight in that whereunto he bath a naturall inbred propenfion : But this putteth none- ceffary obligation upon God by fpeciall mercy to free all men from deflru Lion, though he could moft eafilydo it. As for Pealing up ofmany millions under invincible