c®ntradiaeth not Scriptures. 213 invincibledamnation; it doth manifellly im- port an invinciblead of God thruf}ing melt firft into finne and then into hell, and both out of his mere pleafure. We utterlydeny that Reprobation inferreth any fuch dealing of God with men Not-elected. And for the ,Scriptures alledged , or others of the fame kind; they do not affirm aconditionate Eleion upon forefeen faith and perfeverance, but they thew us n tid n caiv, De omnibus adfadem panitentiam adduct-Hsfa- tetern. Dei Predefi. cere paratts fit .Deus. i 706. To the fecond. The main fcope of this Ad i. whole Chapter being to íhew, That who- D foever obteined falvation, whether Jew or * verf:4, Gentile, * obteined it by virtue of that free 5,6. Ele&ion which worketh upon force , en- lightning, mollifying and converting their hearts, leaving others to the voluntary blindneffe and hardneffe of their hearts ; a man would think that nothing could have been picked from hence to eftablifh Eledi otr and Non - election founded upon the good and bad asof men. But the Apofile expref fly. faith, That God pathJhut up AL L under unbelief, that he might havemercy upon ALL. The two are of an quail extent. Horn many unbe- lievers there be, ors fo many Godhatha will of (hewing mercie. And if every man be under mercy ,, then there /4 no precife will off snit- Q 3 ting