The Smblapfarian doUrine ting out any from pofsibilitic of mercie. TheApoflles meaning is this, That God in his providencepermitted both Jews and Gentiles to be intan lecl in thewilt of juff damnation,that fo whofoever is faved might afcribe his falvation not to any forefeen merits or any good works of his own, but to the free mercie of God. So that every man being by nature finfull and incredu- lous, all men lie alike at his merde, and he r y have mercy upon whom he pleafeth. The Apofile is fo farre from affirming that God fheweth this fpeciall mercie unto all unbelievers which he (hewed' Unto forne, namely the Enlightningoftheir dark minds, and the Mollifying of their obdurate hearts, that he faith the quite contrary; ° Eledih confecuta eft, uteri vero excxcati runt. p Ma- luit dicere Elec1ionem quám Elec1os, ut vim gratuitx eleclionis innueret, á qua totem habent elecli quad habent. The Apofile meant not to contradiót his former dodríne, q Mi- f retur.cujus 'vult, v quern vult indurat: and not to make themercy ofEleäion of equal!, extent with the mifery or guilt of finne; but to chew that it is mercy on Gods part, and not worthor defert on ours,whenfoever any faving grace is beflowed upon any of us all. And yet if this Authour plead for no more then a general! mercy, we will c f ly grant hire,, That all men are not one- ly