contradic1eth not Scriptures: 215 ly in an eflate needing mercy, or in a poi- fibilitie of obteining mercie, but have an atuall participation ofmany and great mer- cies from thehand. of almightie God. But when from hence he fuddenly concludeth, That there is no precre antecedent will ofGod of'hutting up the moil men from all pofsibi- latie ofobteining mercie, he bath forgot the clueftion. He fliould haveconcluded,There- fore there is no abfolute will of God mer- cifully eleling fore to the infallible at- teinment of grace and glory, and by a ne- gation of the fame fpeciall mercy leaving others through their own default infallibly to fall into fìnall finne and mifery. Till he conclude this he concludeth nothing againft abfolute Reprobation or Non-elution. God fo loved the world, &c. Thereforehe "Id 3. did not abflutely hate the greatef part of E men. We grant the conclufion, and more then he asketh : For God did not adfolutely hate any one man in the world. Neither will we makeadvantage of that opinion defend- ed by many Schoolmen , = Nonpropriè fed r 4c uin. fnilitudinariè dici Deum dire. But our an- Matra fwer is, That abfolute Reprobation, which Gent.i -096. is nothing elfe but Gods abfolute will of denying the fpeciall benefit of infallible di- re6lion unto eternall life , and permitting forne menby their own defective free-will 0 4 defervedly