216 The Sublvpfärian dotrine defervedly to fall under the miferie of eternall death , is not an argúment of ha- ired towardsany man, but ofa leífe degree of love towards forme men then towards others; which leífe degree of love is fome- times expreífed by thenameof hatred. Thus God is faid to have loved7acob and hated Efàu , and that before they were born , or had done either good or evil. f 0D I S S E 3. idem eft quod MINUS DILEXISSE. Thus Lea was Paid tobehated by Jacob, becaufe the was le% beloved then Rachel, .Gen.29. 31. In this fenfe wegrant that the decrees of abfolute Predeftination and abfolute Re- probation do clearly prove that acnongít Angelsand men Godbath loved fome more and fóme leífe : but that he bath abfolutely hated any creature of his own making, they do not prove. Diligis omnia que fint ; nihil odifli eorum quhe fecifi, Wifd. II. God hateth finne becaufe he made it not : And this hatred doth redundare inpeccatorem guá taleril, becaufe God made him not fo. But God hateth not non-eleaum, non.priedefti- natum, ornegstivé reprobatumquà talem: nei- ther doth he condemn him , or decree to condemn him proper reprobationem, which is Gods aa, but proper transgrefsionen$, $which is mans a&. Let us hear what Calvines moll deadly Adverfaries the Jefuites hold in this point : t 1Vulluna 1>djqu. in . q. s dijp 99 e. S.