contradieleth not Scriptures': Z I7 Nullum Reproborum profequitur Deus Ruá De olio tantúm ejus peccatum odio ';`),;udi dete(lationis. Suarez nail() maketh Repro- 54 § un- bation a fine onelyof a lefedegree, ded,De and not of an abfolute hatred, as this Au- Prædtft. thour conceiveth. Nay Molina X himfelf rnaketh this Reprobation we now fpeakof § ZIIfl' 8. to be onely a le¡fér degree of love. dlfp IS. Whereas it is further urged That God. § 6. , did not onely love the whole lam ofman- ° opufc. , ' c s 4 7. kind ; but that he loved it even after it was p. X74 fallen into the gulfofpane and mifery , ,this t ° 3 all() is granted. But to prove Gods love, art. 4.difp. it is fuficient that he extendeth his good- 4-Pas-,.4c2- neffe unto every man, though he extend not the top and height of his goodneffe unto every man , which confi[leth in the eter- nall preparation and temporall donationof fuch fpeciall grace as God knoweth infal- libly will anddecreeth infallibly fhall bring them unto glory. Reprobation importeth a deniall of this rich grace and of this fpe- ciall love of God, but importeth no abfo lute deniall either of grace or love,, much lefte an abfolute hatred of any perfon not ele& ì ed , Y Dcus dilig<t omnes homines in Y Apin. quantum omnibus vult aliquod bonum : non I Part- tame); quodcunque bonum vult omnibus. In 41' äd' quantum igitur quibufdam non vult hoc bonum i113. f. quad cfl vita .eterrna, dicitur cos odio habere vel Reprobare.