118 The SiiblapPrian docïrine We Hand in no need of their expofition who by the WORLD underftand theMeer: Let them therefore defend themfelves if they can. z. Tim . 2 4. Who would have all to be faved, and come to the knowledge of the truth. Hence this Authour gathereth two things: I. That it is Gods will that men lbould defa ved ; 2. It is his will that they fbould make ufe of the means of falvation , that fo they may be f ved; and Go(lhindereth no man from believing and being favea'? therefore there is no abfolute will that thoufands fhould die un- believers and be damned. We anfwer, That x in this a6t or decree of Gods will, Volo hunc jilvum Teri , or, Volo hune frdelem fieri , is not comprifed or ex- preffed the proper adof Predeflination: but it requireth a further determination of the Divine will, afcilicet, V©lo hune falvum fa- cere; Volo hune tdelcm 6- pertverantem fa- cere. That which includeth not the will of Predeflination doth not exclude the oppo. Fite will of Reprobation , as it refpeáeth the fame perfons, whether few or many : But this propofition , Volo g°udám falvum fieri, or this, Volo omnes hominesfälvos fieri, doth not include a particular Predeftination of Judasor a promifcuous Predeftination of all men either unto the end or means of their falvation:& therefore the Reprobation of 4riba, p. ii:. : Risk. De Treedeg. d2ff,. I .§ 7, =.12.