Davenant - Houston-Packer Collection BT810 .D38 1641

2 a o The Sublapfarian doilrine fort of men) it is as clear that he apper_ teineth unto the number of the Non-elect. That which hathbred this mans mifaake, is, the not-conceiving of any differencebe- twixt thewill of God termed voluntas fim. plicis conplacentix and that which is termed ,voluntas abffluta or efficax, which infallibly worketh that good which it willeth and in- tendeth unto any man. vide Rtú . Thefe twomay well Pond together5Deus dlvylont. vult ut omnes credant falvi fiant, volunta_ fP rag. 215, toComplacentix; Deus volt & decrevit per- 216. &c. mittere utquidam increduli maneant, & falvi on fiant fed pereant , voluntate Abfolutâ, The former will is ineffea but a conditio- natewill: As if the Apoflle had Paid , God will have all men to be faved , if all men Mall believe in Chrif:: and to believe in Chriff is an ad fo well-pleafing and fo a- greeable unto Gods will that wherefoever it is found it lhall be rewarded. But not- withfianding the extent of this will unto all men, there is in God an abfolute will of permitting force to continue in their unbe- lief, and fo perifh: and this we call Repro- bation. For the two Anfwers oppofed by this Authour we need not much trouble oar (elves. Ifwe underftood the place de vo- luntate efficaci & infallibiliter producente effeciumvolitum,as many do , we would an- fwer